Profile Image I am a Research Engineer in the Alignment Research Group at NYU's Center for Data Science. Previously, I was a Software Engineer at Amazon, where I worked on improving the performance and extensibility of the core infrastructure in the advertising division. I hold a Bachelor's degree in computer science from Princeton University, where my thesis was on fine-tuning language models by applying reinforcement learning to text-based games.

I also competed in debate, where I was the runner-up at the World Universities Debating Championship, top individual debater at the collegiate North American Debating Championship, and two-time high school national champion.

Outside of work, I spend a lot of time making overly elaborate trivia questions, which you should check out here. Some older personal projects can be found here.


Training Language Models to Win Debates with Self-Play Improves Judge Accuracy
Samuel Arnesen, David Rein, Julian Michael
[arxiv] [pdf][code] [media]